Dysphagi Cup

Safer swallowing… every time
The Dysphagia Cup has been carefully designed, and is shaped to allow sufficient nose clearance – to empty contents without having to tilt the head back.

The Dysphagia Cup has been designed to meet the needs of people who have difficulty in completing a successful swallow.
A successful swallow is one that has diverted food or liquid into the food tube (oesophagus) and not into the lungs.
Often a person who has had a stroke, head injury or neurological disability has difficulty performing a successful swallow. Safe swallowing may be accomplished by maintaining the chin in a tucked down position or by drinking thickened liquids or both.


Kapitex Scandinavien,
Dana Management
v/Claus Jeppesen
Trekanten 7 4600 Køge CVR. nr.: 20928905 Tlf. nr.: 56 76 31 04
Mobil nr.: 40 29 28 71

E-mail: kapitex.dk@mail.dk
Fax: 56 76 31 05


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